
Sorig Tibetan Medicine Online Store

400% increase in traffic and 200% increase in transactions



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Tibetan medicine close to home

The highest knowledge still comes from the highest, and SORIG brings the knowledge of Tibetan medicine to Estonia to share it with everyone who lacks it. Sorig's online store offers help for every ailment and for books and amulets that enrich the atmosphere with a variety of incense, ribbons and rugs.

It was difficult to find the products you wanted

The online store we started updating was outdated and offered a poor user experience. We found that people are coming to the site to look for a solution to certain symptoms, which showed the importance of emphasizing the search for a symptom-based product. In addition, it was important to explain what Tibetan Medicine is.

Tibetan medicine became a little clearer

In order to make the search for products based on symptoms as convenient as possible, we have brought it to the front page, where you can see the products corresponding to the selected symptoms by clicking on the icons. Each product came with a list and description of ingredients that would allow you to conveniently familiarize yourself with the product. In order to explain Tibetan medicine, a comprehensive content page was created, where you can find answers to every question that arose.


Valminud veebipood hakkas kiiresti näitama häid tulemusi ning peale X kuud oli veebipoe käive X- korda varasemast suurem. Leht elab nüüd kenasti oma elu ja sortimenti on tulnud hulga uusi tooteid.


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